Richard Saltoun

Richard Saltoun Gallery has brought 20th & 21st Century works on paper to Joanna Payne Conservation’s studio for many years. Some have complex problems & Joanna Payne is always on hand, with her great experience, to offer advice & solutions. She sometimes works on very large pictures for us & often to short deadlines. We trust her judgement & treatments, & hope our collaborations continue for many years. Many of our works have ended up in museum collections all over the world.


Dr. Laura MacCulloch, ex Curator, Royal Holloway College, University of London

Joanna Payne ACR & I have liaised over a number of years when she advised on the condition of the collections (works of art on paper) at Royal Holloway, University of London. She carried out onsite surveys to help us assess the conservation needs of the collections when we were working towards Arts Council accreditation. This enabled us to draw up conservation plans and strategies. Each financial year she did conservation treatments within budget & made treatment records. She & I liaised with a conservation mounter & framer. She is great to work with and over the years I am really proud that the condition of the collection improved greatly with her help.


Offer Waterman & Co

Thank you for doing the (Henry) Moore drawing so superbly. Cheque enclosed.